Selasa, 15 November 2011


Reduced sounds are all those extra sounds created by an absence of lip, tongue, jaw, and throat movement. They are a principal function of intonation and are truly indicative of the American sound. Reduced Sounds Are "Valleys". American intonation is made up of peaks and valleys—tops of staircases and bottoms of staircases. To have strong peaks, you will have to develop deep valleys. These deep valleys should be filled with all kinds of reduced vowels, one in particular—the completely neutral schwa. Ignore spelling. Since you probably first became acquainted with English through the printed word, this is going to be quite a challenge.

The position of a syllable is more important than spelling as an indication of correct pronunciation. For example, the words photograph and photography each have two O's and an A. The first word is stressed on the first syllable so photograph sounds like [fod'græf]. The second word is stressed on the second syllable, photography, so the word comes out [f'tahgr'fee]. You can see here that their spelling doesn't tell you how they sound. Word stress or intonation will determine the pronunciation. Work on listening to words. Concentrate on hearing the pure sounds, not in trying to make the word fit a familiar spelling. Otherwise, you will be taking the long way around and giving yourself both a lot of extra work and an accent!

1. læfdr hæzno fourə næks'nt ( Laughter has no foreign accent).
2. Wr kwell də ni zärt (Work well done is art).
3. T' tee chiz t' lr nə gen (To teach is to learn again)

Syllables that are perched atop, a peak, or a staircase are strong sounds; that is, they maintain their original pronunciation. On the other hand, syllables that fall in the valleys or on a lower stairstep are weak sounds; thus they are reduced. Some vowels are reduced completely to schwas, a very relaxed sound, while others are only toned down.

Articles (such as the, a) are usually very reduced sounds. Before a consonant, the and a are both schwa sounds, which are reduced. Before a vowel, however, you'll notice a change—the schwa of the turns into a long [e] plus a connecting (y)—Th ' book changes to thee(y)only book; A hat becomes a nugly hat. The article a becomes an. Think of [ə●nornj] rather than an orange; [ə●nopening], [ə●neye], [ə●nimaginary animal]. (Ann Cook, American Accent Training, Matrix Press, USA, 2000)

3 komentar:

  1. Rakhmah wira wardani

     Complete version
    Asloges, in a join venture with Europe record has open to norweigh first compact this factory. The factory is located in the opscail faction at the hilside district. The planed use as CD many facturing system produce from japan producy corporation. The production lined it self cosoverd two point five million dollar. But can produce of thirthy thousand oreo or video CD’s per day. Asloges, has also binnacle slitting with germany world record for the right to the studio world record photogh in norweigh and denmark. And for possible, many department of world record CD at the hilside back the way.

     Reduced version
    Azlgez, ‘n join vntre wit yurop rcord haz zo pen t’nrwig frst cmpact tz fctry. The fctry’z lcatd n the pscail fction’t the hlsid dstrict. The plned’uz s CD many fctring sstm prduc frm jpan prdcy crpration. The prdction lind’t slf csverd tu point fve mllion dllar. B’t cn prduc’f thrthy thousnd oreo or vdeo CD’s pr dy. Asloges, h’z also bnncle slttng wth grman wrld rcord fr the rght t’the stdio wrld rcord phtogh in nrwig and dnmark. N’fr pssble, mny dprtment of wrld rcord CD t the hlsde bck the wy.

  2. Oslo Disks, in a join venture with Euro Record has opened Norweigh first compact disk factory. The factory is located in the upsscale secttion at the hilside district. The plant uses as CD manufacturing system purchased from Japan, Wakushi Corporation. The production mine itself cost two two point five million dollar. But can produce up to thirthy thousand audio or video CD’s per day. Oslo Disk has also been negotiating with germany world record for the right to distribute world record product in norweigh and denmark, and for possible manufacturing a world record CD at the hillside factory.

  3. Rakhmah wira wardani
    P. B. Inggris

    Azla Desk, ina join venter wit yuro Record hzopend Nrweg first cmpact dizk fctory. Th fctory’iz located intheyapsscale secttion’at th hilside dizrict. Th plant’yuzez’az CD manufcturing system prchasd from Japan, Wajushi Crpration. The prduction main’itself cost to to point five million dollar. Bt can prdus’ap to thrthy thousan’audio r vdeo CD’s pr day. azla Desk hz’also bin negotiatng wth germany wrld rcord fr th right t dztribut wrld rcord prduct n nrweig’and denmark, n fr pssibl mnufctring a wrld rcord CD’at th hillside fctory.
