Minggu, 28 Juli 2013

Comprehending Simple Instruction : A Lesson Plan for Vocational School - Culinary Department


School                       : SMK Negeri 2  Malang
Subject                      : English
Department               : Culinary
Grade / Semester       : XI / 4
Time                          : 2 x 45 minutes

A.    Standard of Competency : Communicating English at Elementary Level
B.     Basic Competency            : Comprehending Simple Instructions
C.    Indicators                          :
·                Students are able to identify  instructions in cooking process
·                Students are able to arrange a cooking process in order
·                Students are able to produce instructions for cooking process
D.    Learning Objectives:
By the end of the course, students will be able to:
·           Identify connectors of sequence
·           Identify verbs used in cooking process
·           Match the instruction that they hear with the picture
·           Arrange pictures of cooking process in order based on what they listen
·           Reproduce instructions of cooking process orally
·           Describe sequence of  cooking process orally

E.  Teaching Materials:
a)      Vocabulary
·         Connector of Sequence :- First, ...- Next, ...- Then...- Finally...
·         Verbs used in cooking : mince, peel, slice, add, pour, boil, fry, etc

b)     Text Type :  Authentic Cooking Instructions (Audio File)


How to Make Jambalaya

Instructor          : Good  Evening, everyone
Students           : Good evening          
Instructor          : Last class, we learnt how to make new England clamp chopper. This time we’re going to learn to cook a dish from the southern part of US. Has anyone heard of jambalaya?
Student A         : It’s a kind of seafood dish, isn’t it?
Student B         : Yeah, I ate it when I was in New Orlean last year. It was pretty spicy.
Instructor          : Did you like it?
Student B         : Yeah, it was good. I’d like to learn to make it.
Instructor          : Thats’s we’re gonna make it tonight. Jambalaya is from Lousiana, it’s called Cajun food. I think you’ll find it easy to make. It has alot of ingredient, but they are all necessary for a good jambalaya. So here we go. Let’s see the first thing we have to do is fry the meet, now, while the meat is frying, I’ll chop up the vegetable. Uhm we need to chop up onion some celery, the green pepper and some garlic. Okay, next we want to add the vegetable to the meat and fry them, sautage them actually, in butter, for about five minutes. Are there any questions while the vegetables are frying?
Student C         : You just fry vegetable and meat together?
Instructor          : That’s right. In the mean time, I’ll cut up the tomatoes. Now we add them to the frying pan. Tomatoes don’t need much cooking. Hmm, ohh, it’s looking tasty. Now, let’s see. Next, we have to stir in all those spices. Spices are the heart of the jambalaya. There’s chilli powder, three different kind of pepper, and tobasco sauce.
Student A         : What kind of pepper?
Instructor          : Owh, white pepper, black pepper adn cayenne pepper.. That makes it hot and spicy. Now, while the spices are cooking, I’ll peel the shrimp. Everyone has peeled the shrimp before, right?
Students           :Yeaaah!!!!
Instructor          : O good, Ok. Now we put everything together in this large pot, the meat and vegetable, the shrimp and two cups of chicken broth. Then give it a stir. Make sure you stir really thouroughly, especially with all the spices and everything.   ok that’s about it. Now we just cook the mixture.
Student C         : How long?
Instructor          : Well, once, it starts to boil we stir them with rice, then lower the heat put it in a pot  and then let it cook for about 35 minutes. While we’re letting it cooked, ...

c)      Grammar Review :
·         Simple Present
For instructions or directions
e.g. Open
the packet and pour the contents into hot water.

·         Subordinating Conjunctions : while, when, as
e.g. While the meat is frying, I’ll chop up the vegetable.

F.   Methods of Instruction :
·         Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) focusing on integrated Listening and Speaking Skills
·         Dictogloss Technique

G.  Teaching Procedure :
a.       Pre-Activity (15 minutes)
1)   Greeting then checking student’s attendance
2)   Apperception
·      Teacher puts some raw food/vegetable on the table, then review the vocabulary.
·      Students are asked whether they have once cooked them, and mention the name of the food/dish
3)   Orientation
·      Teacher mentions some verbs of cooking process ( peel, cut, chop, slice, add, etc) and demonstrate it.
·      Students match pictures and the suitable verbs
4)   Motivation
·      Students are asked to choose a vegetable and mention any possible verbs to process it based on their experience

b.    Whilst Activity:
1)   Exploration (25 minutes)
·         Students are asked to watch a cooking video clip
·         Students identify food processing verbs
·         Students identify the connectors of sequence
·         Students reproduce the cooking process they watched orally

2)   Elaboration (40 minutes)
·            Students listen to a monologue on cooking process.
·            Students arrange the jumbled pictures into a good order  according to what they listen.
·            Students jot down important words showing process and the sequence
·            Students reproduce the cooking process orally using the pictures.
·            Students are requested to give alternative cooking process for the same dish  based on their experience

3)   Confirmation (10 minutes)
·            Students are asked to give comment to the alternative given

c.    Post Activity
·               Students are requested to find a typical cooking process around the world for  their homework.

H.  Resources Books and Media
1.    Media  : Realia ( potatoes, carrots, spinach, cabbage etc), Cooking Video Clip,  Audio File, Tape Recorder / Speakers.
2.    Handouts.
3.    Resourcess:
                      ·   Marc Helgessen & Steven Brown , 1994. Active Listening Building. Cambridge University Press, Melbourne
                      ·   ww.youtube.com/watch

I.     Evaluation
Type                      :  Listening Test 
Form                       :  Cloze Test (audio 1) and Multiple Choice (Audio2)
Rubric                     :  
                                  Audio 1 : Cloze Test
Test No.
Correct Word & Spelling
Correct Word but Misspelling
Score on Cloze Test   : Sum X  40%

                                 Audio 2 : Multiple Choice
Test No.
Score on Multiple Choice:  Sum of Correct No  X  60%

                               Total Score =   (Cloze Test)  + (Multiple Choice)

Instrument             :  
Audio 1 : Listening Transcript :

Listen to the following instruction and fill in the gaps below.
It's easy to make your own caramel sauce with these tips from Chef Todd Knaster of The Culinary Institute of America. He begins by adding 2 ounces of water to a pan, along with 5 ounces of corn syrup and 7 ounces of of sugar. (As it comes to a boil,___________1) constantly, then stop stirring once the mixture is bubbling vigorously. At this point, it's a good idea to ________2) the sugar crystals forming on the side of the pan with a wet pastry brush. Once the sugar begins to pick up some color, watch it closely, since sugar burns easily. You want to swirl the pan to make sure it cooks evenly, then, ________3)  the heat when you've achieved a deep golden color. At this point, you___________4) the 13 ounces of heavy cream, but do it very slowly so the caramel doesn't seize. Take the pan off the heat and add in the butter, a pinch of salt, and vanilla extract. The sauce will still be very hot at this point, so if you need to cool it quickly,____________5) it into a bowl and set that bowl over a larger bowl of ice water.

Key Answer   :  1) stir   2) wash down 3) turn off  4) add   5) pour

Audio 2 :
Listen to the instruction, then, choose the best answer A, B, C, or D that best answer the questions!

6.                  What kind of salad is the chef making ?
A.             green salad                  C. vegetable salad
B.              dessert salad                D. fruit salad

7.                  After preparing the ingredients, what is the next step?
A.                Chop the fruit                         C. Slice the apple
B.                 Chop the celery           D. Toss the dreesing

8.                  What must be done before the celery is sliced ?
A.             Toss it                          C. Slice it
B.              Wash it                        D. chop it

9.               What is the best time for tossing the salad dressing?
A.                When everything is ready
B.                 After chopping the fruits
C.                 A couple hours before serving
D.                At the time of serving

10.           What is the last thing to do before serving?
A.                Tossing the salad
B.                 Putting some toppings
C.                 Adding everything in a bowl
D.                Adding slices of celery.

Key Answer : 6) D    7) C   8)B   9)C    10)B

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